The Anti-Corruption Fund Foundation (ACF) is organizing a training course titled Investigative Journalism Against Corruption.

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Here you can find all press releases, opinions, analyses and media appearances of the Anti-Corruption Fund.

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Anti-Corruption Institutions 2023: a Freezing Point

The present analysis summarizes for the fifth time the findings of the independent civic monitoring of the most significant investigations of alleged high-level corruption crimes in Bulgaria carried out by the Anti-Corruption Fund (ACF). The first issue of this report, Anti-Corruption Institutions: Activity Without Visible Results, examined 40 criminal proceedings initiated in the period from 2014 to 2019. The next three issues — Anti-Corruption Institutions: Escalating Problems, Anti-Corruption Institutions: A Zero Year, and Anti-Corruption Institutions 2022: Eyes Wide Shut — added 16 more criminal cases from 2020 to 2022. The latest issue of this report adds one more criminal case from 2023 and provides updates on the ongoing proceedings from previous years. For a fourth year in a row, we also continue the additional monitoring of criminal investigations against high-ranking representatives of local authorities — mostly against regional governors and municipal mayors — which do not show different trends than those observed on the national level.


Download the file from here.


ACF Analyzes New Act on Preventing and Fighting Corruption: Creation of New Investigative Bodies Cannot Compensate Lack of Vision for Comprehensive Criminal Justice Reform

The Anti-Corruption Fund Foundation (ACF) published today an analysis of the new Act on Preventing and Fighting Corruption which entered into force this month. The analysis has been authored by Andrey Yankulov, senior legal expert at ACF and former prosecutor.

See the full analysis here.

AntiCorruption Institutions 2022: Eyes Wide Shut

The present analysis summarizes for the fourth time the findings of the independent civic monitoring of the most significant investigations of alleged high-level corruption crimes in Bulgaria carried out by the Anti-Corruption Fund (ACF). See the analysis here.

ACF Report: SLAPP Lawsuits Are a Dangerous Global Phenomenon with a Bulgarian Dimension

The Anti-Corruption Fund Foundation (ACF) has presented a new report titled The Price of Free Speech. Analysis of lawsuits against public participation in Bulgaria exhibiting the characteristics of SLAPP litigation. Download the file from here.

Election fraud: prevalence and impact in Bulgaria, Parliamentary Election, October 2022

`You have before you the latest study of the Anti-Corruption Fund (ACF), dedicated to the controlled and bought vote in Bulgaria. More than 30 years after the beginning of the political changes, the problem of electoral manipulation remains painful. This fact points to a tacit consensus, among at least a portion of the political ‘elite,’ for perpetuating
flawed electoral practices.

See the full analysis here.

Anti-corruption institutions: a zero year

For the fourth time the Anti-Corruption Fund foundation (ACF) presented its Annual Monitoring Report on the activity of anti-corruption institutions, entitled “Anti-corruption institutions 2021: a zero year”. See more here.

Parliamentary elections, November 2021: What happened at the polling stations at risk?

  • The tendency for polling stations at risk to register a more pronounced decline in turnout compared to other polling stations recorded in the July 2021 parliamentary elections has persisted….See more here.

ACF’s Annual Monitoring Report: the problems in the anti-corruption institutions in 2020 are escalating

The Anti-Corruption Fund (ACF) presented the findings of its annual monitoring report on the investigations of high-level corruption in Bulgaria “Anti-corruption Institutions: Escalating Problems.” The report aims to provide a detailed answer to the question of the results of the fight against political corruption in Bulgaria in the last six years. See more here.

An ACF analysis shows which political parties received the most paid and controlled votes in the last Bulgarian parliamentary election in April

In a live stream today, the Anti-Corruption Fund (ACF) presented the results of its study of the outcome of the last parliamentary election in April 2021. The study subjects the official election results to statistical analysis to answer the following questions:

  • What is the size of the controlled and paid vote?
  • Where are the polling stations at the greatest risk of controlled and paid vote?
  • Which political parties received the most votes in the polling stations at risk of controlled and paid vote?


The present analysis will explain why the proposal to introduce the figure of a “prosecutor for investigating the Prosecutor General,” put forward by MPs of the ruling majority in Bulgaria through a bill that was hastily approved at first reading, does not satisfy the criteria for independence from the investigated party, and, therefore, does not ensure compliance with the judgment of the European Court of Human Rights in the case of Kolevi v. Bulgaria. In addition to lacking the required guarantees for independence, the bill suffers from a number of other shortcomings, which may lead to risks of factual or legal impediments to any potential investigative proceedings against the Prosecutor General, or, alternatively, may provide opportunities for unjust prosecution of the latter for purely political reasons.


You can download the full analyses from here.

You can download a summary of the analyses from here.


This analysis proposes a concept for addressing some of the main problems of Bulgaria’ criminal justice system through the powers of the prosecutorial institution, by:

1) abolishing the factual manifestations of the “general review of legality” function of the Prosecutor’s Office as obsolete, dating from the totalitarian state period.

2) envisaging forms of external procedural control over the currently completely uncontrolled conduct of the criminal proceedings – the decision whether, against whom, when, and for what to press charges of a general nature crime.

This control must be exercised by the court and should concern both the cases in which the holder of the power to accuse – the Prosecutor’s Office, exercises it and those in which it does not.

See the full text here.


The whole story of "The Eight Dwarfs" - everything we couldn't tell in the movies.

The facts, a legal analysis, conclusions, and an appeal to the institutions

Annual monitoring report on investigations of high-level corruption "Anti-corruption institutions: activity without visible results."

This report marks the beginning of annual independent civic monitoring of cases of (alleged) corruption crimes and conflicts of interest at the highest levels of government. The monitoring consists of two parts: (1) analysis of 40 key criminal cases in the pre-trial and trial phase for the period 2014-2019 and (2) assessment of decisions on signals of conflict of interest of the Commission for Combating Corruption and Confiscation of Illegal the acquired property (KPKONPI) for 2019. The report provides a concrete answer to the question of what are the results of the fight against political corruption in Bulgaria in the last five years.


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