The Public Financial Inspection Agency will investigate the Golden puddle at the Turkish border three years after the ACF's report

Yesterday came the news that Finance Minister Asen Vassilev has ordered the Public Financial Inspection Agency(PFIA) to launch an inspection of the Bulgarian Food Safety Agency (BFSA) over the “Golden Puddle” contract for disinfection at the border crossing of Kapitan Andreevo. The inspection was ordered following a report from MP Ivaylo Mirchev.
Already in October 2019, the ACF sent two reports – to the PFIA and the Prosecutor’s Office – because of the unlawful award of the disinfection activities and collection of state fees at the checkpoint Kapitan Andreevo by the BFSA to the private company P.F.S. EOOD. The commercial register reveals that from 2013 to 2019, P.F.S. EOOD has earned more than BGN 33 million from this lucrative activity.
In 2020, the PFIA responded that it would schedule an inspection “upon availability of administrative capacity.” Until June 2022, the agency had failed to find any.
In September 2020, the Prosecutor’s Office refused to initiate pre-trial proceedings on our report about the “Golden Puddle,” as the prosecutor considered that “there is insufficient evidence of a crime.”
In early 2021, we filed a complaint against the refusal of the Sofia City Prosecutor’s Office to initiate pre-trial proceedings.
In April 2021, the Appellate Prosecutor’s Office – Sofia revoked the ruling of the prosecutor from the Sofia City Prosecutor’s Office and returned the case file for further investigation.
It is not clear whether this additional investigation was initiated by the State Prosecutor’s Office and at what stage it is.
We insist that the results of the PFIA’s investigation be made public due to the great public interest and the evidence of serious violations of the law in the “Golden Puddle” case.
To learn more about the case, see the video “The Golden Puddle.”
Press releases

ACF: BFSA violated the law by concluding a lease agreement with Eurolab 2011

The Prosecutor's Office has terminated the pre-trial proceedings on the allegations of bribery by prof. Plamen Mollov. We are waiting for the response of the European Public Prosecutor's Office

ACF: Suspicions of serious irregularities in the judicial acts in favor of Eurolab 2011 Ltd regarding “Capitan Andreevo” Border Crossing

Meeting of the National Assembly Revision Committee with the participation of Lora Georgieva and Boyko Stankushev from the Anti-Corruption Fund.

ACF: the “Golden Puddle” contract is in violation of the law and the Minister of Agriculture should declare it null and void
The others for us

Der Standard: As early as 2019, ACF has sent reports to the Financial Inspectorate and the Prosecutor's Office about irregularities at the Capitan Andreevo Check Point

The Golden Puddle. Kneel-Deep into the Gaping Hole at the Border

Lora Georgieva: It is worrying that the court’s interpretations are contrary to the EU Regulation and in favor of a private company