Opinion on the New Amendments to the Judicial System Act

The Anti-Corruption Fund Foundation (ACF) welcomes yesterday’s decision of the National Assembly to put a de facto stop to the compromised procedure for the election of a new prosecutor general. As ACF has repeatedly stated, the Supreme Judicial C...
Open Letter from Civil Society Organisations: Legitimizing Politicians Sanctioned for Corruption Cannot be a European Value

To: The Ambassador of Belgium in Bulgaria, His Excellency Frédéric Meurice Copy to the Ambassador of Austria to Bulgaria, H. E. Andrea Ikić-Böhm; the Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to Bulgaria, H. E. Irene Plank;...
Open letter to the Prosecutor General and the Chairpersons of the Anti-Corruption Commission and SANS: Question Delyan Peevski on His Allegations

Dear Sirs, Yesterday and the day before, Delyan Peevski, a Member of Parliament and leader of a parliamentary political group, made allegations -- publicly and with all the gravitas of his position -- of unlawful activities in the Presidency of th...