Presentation of the ACF Annual Monitoring Report "Anti-Corruption Institutions 2022: Eyes Wide Shut"

What are the results of efforts to counteract political corruption in Bulgaria in the past seven years? How many Bulgarian politicians and senior public officials have been indicted on corruption charges? How many were found to have engaged in conflicts of interest? How many were acquitted?


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How many high-level corruption proceedings are still at the pre-trial stage? What happens when some investigations are put on hold?


For the fifth year in a row, ACF presents its yearly analysis of 56 key proceedings on charges of corruption initiated against senior members of government and a review of investigations of alleged conflicts of interest carried out by the Commission for Anti-Corruption and the Forfeiture of Illegally Acquired Property (CAFIAP).


The analysis is based on statistical data provided by the Bulgarian courts and prosecution.


The results of the analysis will be presented by Andrey Yankulov and Daniela Peneva, authors of the annual monitoring report, at 10:30 am on Tuesday (30 May 2023) live on the ACF Facebook channel.


Commentary on the conclusions and recommendations outlined in the report will be provided by Neli Kutzkova, long-serving judge at the Sofia City Court, Sofia District Court and the Appellate Court – Sofia, and Georgi Atanasov, attorney-at-law and expert in civil and commercial law.


ACF’s annual monitoring report Anti-Corruption Institutions 2022: Eyes Wide Shut was prepared within a project supported by the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung under its Rule of Law — Southeast Europe Programme.


The contents of the report represent the exclusive responsibility of its authors and do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung and its Rule of Law — Southeast Europe Programme.
