The U.S. State Department's Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor quotes the work of the ACF in its annual human rights report released today.

The report notes the ACF’s monitoring of 63 key corruption investigations against high-profile public figures, including former ministers, deputy ministers, members of the National Assembly, magistrates, mayors and regional governors.
The report also cites the ACF’s conclusion that there has not been a single conviction for high-level corruption in the last five years – a clear sign that the problems in the work of Bulgaria’s anti-corruption institutions are deepening.
The report also states that “Bulgarian law provides criminal sanctions for corruption of officials, but the institutions do not effectively enforce them. In all branches of the public administration, there is evidence of officials involved in corrupt practices who have not been sanctioned. In 2021, there were numerous reports of corruption in high levels of government.”
Press releases

US Department of State Report References ACF: Criminal Proceedings in Bulgaria Fail to Tackle High-Level Corruption

ACF presented its Annual Monitoring Report at the National Assembly

The ACF Annual monitoring report for 2021: High-level corruption remains hidden

Anti-Corruption Institutions 2021: A Zero Year

ACF’s Annual Monitoring Report: the problems in the anti-corruption institutions in 2020 are escalating