Тhe ACF met with Jessica Kim, resident legal adviser at the U.S. Embassy in Bulgaria

On 24 September, the Anti-Corruption Fund met with Jessica Kim, resident legal adviser at the U.S. Embassy in Bulgaria, providing justice sector assistance to build capacity in combating public corruption, money laundering, and organized crime. The fund’s experts briefed Ms. Kim on the results of the organization’s latest investigations. “The Fund systematically monitors publicly available information, media outlets, and social networks to investigate, prevent, and disrupt corruption at all levels in Bulgaria. We applaud and support them as we work together for integrity.” later wrote the U.S. Embassy in its Facebook profile.


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“We appreciate the strong support for the cause of strengthening the rule of law in Bulgaria and the recognition of the efforts of the citizens and the civil society organizations working for lasting change in this direction.” Stated Mr. Boyko Stankushev, director of the Anti-Corruption Fund.
