The Public Financial Inspection Agency: In Search of the Missing Capacity

15 signals for violations worth BGN 294 million.
That is how many signals the Anti-Corruption Fund has sent to The Public Financial Inspection Agency (PFIA) at the Ministry of Finance since 2017.

Some of the signals on landmark cases as “The Golden Puddle,” “War for carcasses,” and “The toll system of the Road Infrastructure Agency.”

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С натискане на бутона потвърждавате, че сте запознати с Политиката ни за поверителност

Why did the PFIA classify the results of its inspections of 4 of these signals❓
Why the other 7 signals have not been inspected by the PFIA for more than two years – with the admission that it lacks “administrative capacity”❓

What the PFIA is (not) doing to protect public financial interests❓

Where has the capacity of the PFIA gone❓
