Anti-Corruption Institutions 2021: A Zero Year

What are the results of the fight against political corruption in Bulgaria in the last six years? How many politicians and senior civil servants in Bulgaria have been convicted on corruption charges? How many have been found to have a conflict of interest? How many have been acquitted? How many of the indictments have not yet entered the courtroom? What happens to some forgotten investigations?
For the fourth year in a row, ACF presents its annual review of the development of 49 key high-level corruption cases and an analysis of the Anti-Corruption Commission’s (CAFIAP) practice in ascertaining conflicts of interest.
The analysis is based on the operational statistics of the Bulgarian judiciary.
It allows us to draw a clear conclusion:
In terms of the fight against high-level corruption, the year 2021 can be characterized without any doubt as a “zero year.”
The authors of the monitoring report, Andrey Yankulov and Alexander Kashumov will present the results of the report on 19 July 2021 (Tuesday) at 10:30 live on the Anti-Corruption Fund’s Facebook channel.
Watch the “Anti-Corruption Institutions: A Zero Year” here
The report’s conclusions and recommendations will be commented on by Nelly Kutskova, a long-time judge at Sofia City Court, Sofia District Court, and Sofia Court of Appeal.
The ACF Annual Monitoring Report 2021, was prepared under a project supported by Konrad Adenauer Stiftung’s Rule of Law Programme for South East Europe.
The content of this publication reflects the views only of the authors and not necessarily those of Konrad Adenauer Stiftung’s Rule of Law Programme for South East Europe.
Press releases

US Department of State Report References ACF: Criminal Proceedings in Bulgaria Fail to Tackle High-Level Corruption

ACF presented its Annual Monitoring Report at the National Assembly

The ACF Annual monitoring report for 2021: High-level corruption remains hidden

ACF’s Annual Monitoring Report: the problems in the anti-corruption institutions in 2020 are escalating